The Count Down

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

A Forever Family-Year One!!!

A little over a year ago, Jeff and I were packing our bags and getting ready to go to China.  We didn't know what to expect and we were anxious.  Well, we survived the year and one year ago, we became a Forever Family. We often think about Jackson's birth parents and pray for them.

 As I look back at our eventful year, I am reminded of God's grace and bountiful love. We are so thankful that Jackson is healthy, growing and loves everything around him. He is a remarkable child and continues to amaze us.

Jackson Low-3/7/11
  • quiet
  • cautious
  • friendly
  • structured
  • thinker
  • curious

Jackson Low-3/7/12
  • talkative
  • cautious
  • friendly
  • structured
  • thinker
  • curious
  • loving

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Lovin' the Library!

Last Wednesday, I told Jackson that we will go to the library on Saturday. He was so excited. This is our converstation on Friday night.

Me: Do you go to school tomorrow?
Jax: No
Me: What day is it tomorrow?
Jax: Saturday? Library with Mama
Me: Can Daddy go to the library too?
Jax: No, Daddy stay home!

Every night this past week, we were reading books to him.  One night Jackson read a book to us.  He read just like his teachers were reading to him at school.  He turned the book around and showed me the pictures and he tracked the words with his fingers. He loves (this is an understatement) Llama Llama books.  He has "Llama Llama Misses Mama" and "Llama Llama Red Pajama." He also recently started liking "Arthur" books. He continues to "read" his children's Bible too.  Sometimes Jackson will read Jeff's computer magazines (not sure how interesting it really is) and e books.  Nevertheless, we are thrilled that Jackson loves to read.
Llama Llama Misses Mama
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Jackson really loves this book.  We have all memorized it!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

January Snow?

The past few winters in Tennessee have been cold and a bit snowy.  There has been no evidence of this kind of weather (so far)! The weather has been mild.  This has been great for us because we are still able to go out and do things. So, what have we been up to? Well, we went to the Science Museum, celebrated Chinese New Year's and the illnesses have been passed around. 

The Science Museum was a lot of fun. Jackson just wanted to ride in the Ambulance, actually he just wanted to be in the driver's seat. He was attracted to anything that had wheels, engines or lights.  One hour was enough for him and I think we will be back there soon. There were many Chinese New Year's events throughout the city but we decided to gather a bunch of friends and so we had dinner at the local Chinese place. Jeff organized it.  He emailed everyone and created the menu.  The menu was a mix of traditional and non traditional foods.  As for the illnesses, well....

Oh, I forgot to mention that Jackson is now 39 1/2 inches tall!!!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy 2012!

I know it is 2012 but I haven't had a chance to fill you in on the happenings of November and December 2011.  It was quite busy and eventful!

Ready for winter.
Uncle D visited us in Nashville over Thanksgiving week.  We went to Deal's Gap North Carolina.  Uncle D and Jeff drove the Tail of the Dragon.  I didn't know you have to drive on the Tail in order to get to our lodge. The Tail has over 318 curves in 11 miles. We drove in Jeff's car. Need I say more??? Uncle D and Jeff had their day to drive without Jackson and I. Uncle D filmed it and I am sure he will put together a video!!!  Jackson and I stayed at the lodge and played on the playground and made some Christmas crafts. It was a great get internet service and no cell service for three days!!!! During one of the evenings, Santa, Mrs. Claus and the Elves came to visit and we all decorated a tree, made ornaments and drank hot apple cider.  This was Jackson's first encounter with Santa. We had a great time but I am sure Jeff and Uncle D were happy to be back in town so they can be plugged in again!
First McDonald's experience in South East TN.

I love cookies!!

Just me and my Uncle D!

                                                                First time to Monkey's Tree House

December was filled with many things...birthday parties, a pancake breakfast, shopping and of course Christmas. Christmas for the Low family usually means that we travel to see our family on the West Coast. This was to be Jackson's first Christmas and all of the aunties, uncles, cousins and grandparents were really excited!  We told Jackson that Christmas is Jesus' birthday.  I know he doesn't completely understand the true meaning but we wanted to plant the seed in his mind. We had a week of celebrating...decorated gingerbread houses, visited with family and friends and ate a lot of good home cooking! We all had a great time and the we (the parents) survived Christmas. 

JLow3's 2nd picture with Santa.

Merry Christmas Jax!
Who is having fun?

 We hope you had a great Christmas and hope 2012 brings you great joy and happiness!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Our case worker came by for a visit last week. I cannot believe that we have been a family for eight months now. Parenting is still very new to us and we are learning a lot. I am grateful that we have so many friends with children around the same age as Jackson. We are able to share the triumphs and challenges of parenting young children.

Jackson's speech has really taken off.  He has become very verbal and labels everything he sees. We were looking through a photo album the other day and he said the names of all the people in the book. Jackson will also ask about people we saw two months ago! Jackson will talk to family members on a daily basis.  His mode of coommunication is Facetime. The first few times we used Facetime, Jackson just stared at the screen. Now, he is at the point where he can communicate through words. It is amazing to see how he talks to his grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins.

Next week we will celebrate our First Thanksgiving together. I know it will be extra special...

We hope that you all have a great November. Happy Thanksgiving!

Fun times in October!!!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

The Changing Seasons

The weather here has been cool, breezy and there are definite signs of the season changing. September is a defining month in our family.  September 2010 was the month that we were matched with Jackson. I remember a year ago we were getting paper work done, waiting for documents to arrive from China and there was a lot of uncertainty in the air. But throughout the whole time, God was in control (and still is) and He paved the wave for us to be united as a family. The past 6-8 months went by like a whirlwind and at times were crazy! However, I would not trade it for anything!
As October begins, I think about all of the "firsts" Jackson has had with us. There are actually too many to name but these are the ones that come to mind: 
  • riding on a train 
  • eating ice cream
  • going on an airplane
  • going swimming
  • sleeping in a bed
  • petting a dog
  • picking up leaves
  • riding a trike
I know there will be many more of these but everything is new for him. We just smile when he gasps at new food or gets excited over something as simple as the rain falling.  I know these are big moments to treasure.

Here is a journal of Jackson's happenings from his perspective...

My grandma is going home...thanks for watching me!

I am going back to Cali...

Hmmm I wonder what we will do in California?

I visited with my cousin. We had so much fun!

I ate Fossilman's ice cream.

We went to Daddy's favorite-Coffee Bean.

And his other favorite- In & Out.

I played with my other cousin and great grandma.

I ate Hawaiian food (all we do is eat)!

I played with trains and cars with my grandparents.

Finally, I get to ride a train but my mom wants to take a picture!

I saw a lot of trains!!!!

I made it through the TSA's time to go home.

But don't forget...It's GAME DAY!

Monday, September 5, 2011

Happy Labor Day 2011!

Happy Labor Day!

Life has been chaotic so blogging has been put off for awhile. August flew by like the wind and now we are in September. September signifies a change in the season...summer ending and autumn arriving.  As we start seeing the leaves turn from one color to the next, our lives are constantly changing as well. I always wonder how people balance work, life and the everyday challenges and still have joy in their lives. There really is only one answer-God.

Anyways, back to the "Low Down."  Our little guy is not so little anymore. Jackson grew one inch in one month. He is now 37 inches long and 2 1/2 years old.  His shorts actually look short and he is just long. He is still a great eater and likes to snack on cherry tomatoes, carrot sticks, fruit and usually just drinks milk and water. Jackson's speech is progressing and his vocabulary has expanded. He knows how to say important things such as " cream...Thomas...Harold...Bertie...and cars." 

Jackson spent a lot of time with Po Po (Grandma Gin) this summer.  They worked on the garden, drew pictures, and she taught him how to sing songs. Gong Gong (Grandpa Gin)  also visited us for month and we all had a lot of fun.  We went to Louisville and visited the Slugger Museum and Churchill Downs (the site of the Kentucky Derby). It was a great weekend trip and we all took home bats!

JLow 2 and 3 in front of the world's largest bat.

Jackson calls watermelon, "ha-ter-me-me."

Just taking care of business

Getting ready for "Game Day!"

We hope your summer was filled with fun just like ours. The big guy just woke up and now he wants to press all the keys on the computer!!!  Bye for now!